UCLA expertise out at Porter Ranch

February 8, 2016
Residents in Porter Ranch have been smelling natural gas since at least October 2015.
Gene Blevins/Special to the Los Angeles Daily News

While health officials and Southern California Gas Co. executives have maintained that Porter Ranch residents’ symptoms were the effects of smelling odorants, experts like UCLA’s Professor and Chair Department of Environmental Health Sciences of the Fielding School of Public Health, Michael Jerrett, are raising other possibilities. Jerrett has been frequently on hand to lend his expertise and a critical eye to the recent gas leaks.

Source: What caused nosebleeds in Porter Ranch? New questions emerge Los Angeles Daily News, 8 Feb. 2016

Additional coverage about Michael Jerrett’s response to the Porter Ranch gas leak:

Families Near The Huge Gas Leak Wonder: Is Home A Safe Place To Be? NPR, 10 Feb. 2016

Porter Ranch gas leak: How officials are testing the air KPCC, 3 Feb. 2016

California gas company promises action to capture some of leaking methane The Guardian, 11 Jan. 2016

Porter Ranch: Long term health risks of gas leak unknown KPCC, 3 Oct. 2015