
UCLA researchers project Southern California rainfall levels through end of century

A UCLA study published today provides the most detailed scientific projections to date of how climate change will affect rainfall and snowfall in Southern California through the end of the 21st century. Alex Hall (department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences) and David Neelin (Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences) worked on the project. The findings are directly relevant to the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge.

Read more at UCLA Newsroom

UCLA law students join UN climate talks in Peru

Three UCLA law students tackled a school project with global impact last week by working as official delegates to the United Nations climate-change conference taking place in Lima, Peru under the supervision of Cara Horowitz, director of UCLA Law School’s Emmett Institute and Sustainable LA researcher. The UCLA group is submitting two reports demonstrating the success of cool-rooftop policies in Los Angeles and green building codes in California, research which parallels that of the Sustainable LA Grand Challenge.

Read more at UCLA Newsroom