Archive Tag: Ecosystem Health

UCLA, EDF identify opportunities to curb climate pollution, spur clean energy jobs in L.A.

New findings released by the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation and Environmental Defense Fund were hilighted in a White House announcement. These findings indicate that achieving just 10 percent of L.A.’s rooftop solar potential could create 47,000 jobs and slash nearly 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

Read more at UCLA Newsroom

UCLA announces plan to tackle ‘Grand Challenges,’ starting with urban sustainability

UCLA will unveil plans on Nov. 15 designed to turn Los Angeles into a global model for urban sustainability. The project is the first of three in the UCLA Grand Challenge initiative that will unite the university’s resources to tackle some of society’s most pressing issues.

Source: UCLA announces plan to tackle ‘Grand Challenges,’ starting with urban sustainability UCLA Newsroom, 14 Nov. 2013

Additional coverage about the Grand Challenges announcement:

Sustainable LA: Now there’s a grand challenge LA Observed 19 Nov. 2013